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How to trim your dog’s nails

When the nail grows so does the quick! 1. Nails When your dogs nail grows, so does the quick, some dogs quick is far too close to the nerve and will bleed. Trimming your dogs nails more regular, will help the quick to recede over time, and allow more of the nail to be trimmed....

Keeping Your Pet Active Year-Round

Keeping Your Pet Active Year-Round Short winter days and cold weather mean most of us cut back on outdoor exercise. That can be a problem for our pets – especially for high-energy dogs who need lots of active play. That feeling of being “trapped in the house” that we call “cabin fever” can affect our...

The Importance Of Grooming Your Pet In Winter!

Contrary to people’s views dogs don’t need to be groomed in the winter. Many people feel dogs don’t get dirty enough in winter to require a bath or grooming, but in reality, frequent grooming in winter is important if not more than summer to sustain a healthy coat and more importantly avoid any matting. Consider...

Double Coated Dogs

As a professional dog groomer, there are a large number of double coated breeds. We meet many dog owners asking if their dog coat is too long or too hot for them, and if we can shave or clip them. Dogs do not cool down like humans, and clipping or shaving them brings more harm...

Shop 1/1177 Wynnum Road Cannon Hill QLD 4170
07 3393 9351
Monday to Friday 8am-2:30pm (or last appointment) Saturday 9am to 1pm